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Showing posts from December, 2011

New Years Eve chic high pony tail

New Years Eve chic high pony tail you will need your favorite maison pearson brush and finishing spray- start with brushing all your hair into the direction and potition of where you want to place your pony tail- i always think it should be somewhere below your crown and above the occipital bone- the direction of brushing should be diagnally up, this way you can give yourself a mini face lift, thats always fun- use a cloth elastic band to secure, and to finish use Loreal's Elnett... brush the pony hair till its smooth. you will be the toast of the new year!!

Winter Magic

For winter looks, hair is best worn just below your hair line (neck) in a stylish Coco Chanel bob or in a chiffon bun, if daring go chic pixie cut- this allows you to wear your high winter collars and scarfs without disturbing the shape and line of your cut!